November 23, 2014

Lessons for People New to Type 2 Diabetes, Part 5

There is more to food and finding your own food plan than meets the eye. I would urge readers to read some of the mistakes I made shortly after diagnosis. The first link is this, the second link is this, and the third link is here. Before I start with the next subject, I would appreciate you taking time to read this on lifestyle change. Why this you ask? Because effectively to manage your diabetes, some lifestyle changes often need to be made.

The components of lifestyle does start with exercise which in the topic for this blog. To start exercising, if you have not been a regular exerciser, please talk to your doctor for his approval as he may have something that could limit you. He may know from your history and lab reports that you need to be more careful at the beginning before really becoming a regular at exercising. If you are not medically able to do some exercises, your doctor may suggest some forms of exercise that you can do.

While discussing exercise with the doctor, do not forget to talk about blood glucose levels and learn that you do not exercise if the reading is over 250 mg/dl. Some doctors will suggest not over 200 mg/dl for an upper level. On the lower end, a reading below 100 mg/dl will be discouraged. Now this can vary if you are limited in what you can do for exercise.

One person that I know was discouraged from exercising by his doctor, but in talking with the doctor, he was allowed to do some weight lifting up to 25 pounds in each hand while sitting in his wheel chair and was later able to increase the weights to 50 pounds. After two operations on his legs and two years of therapy, he was finally allowed to do some walking and swimming. He is hoping to do more this coming summer. The doctor has set 200 mg/dl as his upper limit and he is not supposed to exercise above this. Since he keeps his blood glucose levels below 140 mg/dl on a regular basis, the doctor is very happy and has allowed longer periods of exercise.

I know that some people exercise below the minimum and too many exercise above the 250 mg/dl level. Those that exercise above this level are flirting with danger and other problems.

The type of exercise you decide to do should be something you enjoy and will do. Consider walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, resistance exercises, jumping rope, weight lifting, bicycling, and using various types of treadmills in the winter or at times when you don't want to be out in bad weather.

For people with type 2 diabetes, the length of the various exercises can vary. Walking can be for 30 minutes or for three periods of 10 minutes. There are variances for each type of exercise and the number of repetitions you need to do. As you condition yourself, consider increasing the time or number of repetitions. This can depend on the amount of weight you need to lose or even if you need to lose weight. Or it can depend on the need to reduce internal fat and convert it to muscle. These are all things that need discussion with your doctor.

Once you reach your goal, then you will need to schedule exercise to maintain that weight or muscle and not regain weight or lose muscle.

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